Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I relaxed a little, as a thought struck me. something I had not thought of before. I was certain I was right though, when I considered everything. This thick, lush fertile forest likely did not get a lot of visitors this deep in, and if this vixen was alone out here, her natural tendencies were what fueled her actions. What would a vixen need from me that she would not have just killed me, but obviously would not let me escape? The whip wasn’t for killing, it was for stopping me from running away. She needed me for something, and in nature, a male is only useful to a female for one thing. Mating. I sat up, rubbing the back of my head, where she whipped me, and smiled at her.

“Okay.. okay.. you caught me..” I said, smiling at her, as she walked up to me, and kicked me in the chest, laying me back out on the ground, and putting her hands on my chest, straddling my tummy, and slapping my muzzle hard. She stuck the knife in the ground by my head, and slapped my muzzle yet again. I was undaunted. She just wanted to make it obvious that she was in control. I only needed to show that I was interested, and she would invite the rest, right? That’s how nature worked. As she held me down, I moved my hands to her chest, giving her large, firm, youthful breasts a tight and warm squeeze, feeling them through the hide outfit, her loincloth spilling over my tummy. I could feel her warm mound against my belly, and felt that was even more invitation. 

She looked at me, with wide, green eyes, her ears splaying as I groped her chest. She slapped my paws, seeming shocked. I looked at her curiously. Was this not what she wanted? She had to. She was alone out here. It was her only chance to have a family, right? I put my hands down on her rump, and pulled her a it against my soft tummy-fur, teasing at her mound with my belly. She gritted her teeth, and growled long and low as I squeezed her rump.

“Ijeh kunei.” she stated flatly.

“Yeah, that’s right.. I’ve got what you have been hunting for.. just let it happen girl.” I said, smiling at her. I slid my hand down to my pants, and unzipped them slowly. I was already getting aroused. Here I was, pinned by this sexy, gorgeous female picture of nature, and I was probably the only choice she had for a mate. This was divine blessing, as far as I was concerned. She flattened her ears, as she heard my zipper fall, and looked back, over her shoulder, her knife still held at my chest.

“Ijeh kunei!” she repeated, sternly. I pulled away the front of the jeans, and the underwear beneath, revealing my member, already having become very hard. She looked back over her shoulder, looking a bit distressed, and angry. Upon seeing the state of things below my waistline, she seized my throat, and put the knife to my chest again, growling. “Kunei!” she growled savagely. Not know what she was saying was making this a little more difficult! I thought carefully about my next move.

She needs to know that you are the alpha. You are the male. She won’t respect you if you don’t! 
Start stroking her gently, and try to make her feel good. Let her feel pleasure to calm her.
Continue to let nature be your guide. Make it obvious what you are going to do.


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